Hot Topics

This section includes informational and technical assistance resources are some of the most highly requested from National RTAP customers within the past year. If you would like any lists of hot topics that were on this page from previous years, please contact info@nationalrtap.org. Additional collections of resources are contained in our Topic Guides on the following subjects:

The following are selected resources that answer questions posed by users of the National RTAP Resource Center, and respondents to our national surveys of transit organizations.

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Administration for Community Living (ACL)'s What do Older Adults and People with Disabilities Need to Know about Coronavirus Disease 2019

American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) List of Coronavirus-Related Restrictions in Every State

American Bus Association (ABA)'s Sample Policies for Post-Pandemic Cleanliness and Safety

American Industrial Hygiene Association Back to Work Safely web page

American Public Transportation Association (APTA) webpage on Public Transit Response to CoronavirusPublic Transportation Responds: Safeguarding Riders and Employees, Cleaning and Disinfecting Transit Vehicles and Facilities During a Contagious Virus Pandemic, and Developing a Pandemic Virus Service Restoration Checklist

Candid (formerly Foundation Center and GuideStar) Funding for Coronavirus (COVID-19) web page

Casper Area Transportation Coalition (CATC/The Bus) Infectious Pandemic Plan

Center for Urban Transportation Research's (CUTR) COVID-19 – Emergency Management Tips and Practices for Bus Transit Systems

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC):

Community Transportation Association of America (CTAA) COVID-19 Resources and News webpage and Buyer's Guide, and COVID-19 Best Practices in Wheelchair SecurementProperly Cleaning a Vehicle and Other Transit FacilitiesRecommended COVID-19 Safety Protocols, and State by State COVID-19 NEMT Guidance Tool

COVID Mobility Works database of mobility initiatives

Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) Public Transportation Workers Toolkit

Easter Seals Project Action (ESPA) Coronavirus: Staying Healthy Together

Enid Public Transportation Authority Infectious Pandemic Plan

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) List of Registered Disinfectants for Use Against SARS-CoV-2 (a Coronavirus that Causes COVID-19)

Federal Transit Administration (FTA) webpage on Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Government Technology Resource Guide to Coronavirus for Government Leaders

Harvard University's COVID-19 Resources for Indian Country

Heart of Iowa Regional Transit Agency (HIRTA) Pandemic Plan

Johns Hopkins Center for Systems Science and Engineering's interactive map of Coronavirus COVID-19 Global Cases

National Aging and Disability Transportation Center (NADTC)'s, COVID-19 Resources web page Operating Volunteer Driver Programs in a Pandemic and Recommendations for Implementing New COVID-19 Policies for People with Disabilities

National Center for Mobility Management (NCMM) COVID-19 Resource Center and COVID-19: Implications for People with Disabilities and Mobility Managers

National RTAP's COVID-19 Information page includes a technical brief, FAQs, Best Practices Spotlight Article, ADA Toolkit Section on COVID-19, COVID-19 Safety Guidance for Frontline Employees training module, Rural Transit Planning in the Time of COVID and Beyond webinar, and upcoming training events about COVID-19

National Safety Council (NSC) Guidance for Employers: COVID-19 and the Workplace

Oregon Health Authority's Reopening Guidance: Specific Guidance for Transit Agencies

RHIhub's Rural Response to Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

Self Advocacy Resource and Technical Assistance Center's COVID-19 Plain Language Guidance for Employees with Developmental Disabilities

Shared Use Mobility Center's (SUMC) COVID-19 Crisis Impact on Transit & Shared Mobility

Trucker's Against Trafficking's COVID-19 Impact on Trafficking: Update for the Bus Industry

University of Iowa RUPRI Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis Counties with COVID Cases interactive map

University of Oregon StoryMap about how Transit Authorities have responded to COVID-19

U.S. Chamber of Commerce's Combating the Coronavirus web page and State Business Reopening Guidance

U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) COVID-19 Federal Rural Resource Guide

U.S. Department of the Interior Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Outbreak web page

White House. National Strategy for the COVID-19 Response and Pandemic Preparedness.

World Health Organization (WHO)'s Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Advice for the Public: When and How to Use Masks

WSP's Public Transportation and COVID-19 Funding and Finance Resiliency: Considerations When Planning in an Unprecedented Realm of Unknowns


Customer Service

Easter Seals Project Action's (ESPA) Transit Call Centers: A Front Line in Customer Service Webinar

Metro Magazine's How Can Transit Enhance the Customer Experience?

National RTAP's 2 the Point - Customer Service

National RTAP's Customer Driven Service Learner's Training Module, Technical Brief and Webinar

National RTAP's John Martin series, Customer Service in Rural Transit: How to Identify and Meet Customer Needs Webinar and Technical Brief

National RTAP's John Martin series, Customer Service in Rural Transit: Exceptional Customer Service Across Generations Webinar and Technical Brief

National RTAP's Problem Passengers: Managing Difficult Passengers & Situations

SURCOM's Customer Service for Rural and Tribal Transit Providers

TCRP's Addressing Difficult Customer Situations

TCRP's Customer-Focused Service Guarantees and Transparency Practices

TCRP's Customer-Focused Transit


Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE)

Minority Business Development Agency's (MBDA) How do MBEs participate in the Department of Transportation's DBE Program?

National RTAP's Understanding DOT'S Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Program

NCHRPs Compendium of Successful Practices, Strategies, and Resources in the U.S. DOT Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program

Southern Nevada Transit Coalition's Sample Transit Agency DBE Program Plan

TRB's  Evaluating Goals Under the Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program

U.S. DOT's DBE Program Overview, Video and Best Practices

Driver Recruitment

APTA's Recruiting and Retaining Bus Operations Employees

FTA's Advancing Frontline Workforce Development Meeting: Synthesis

Kansas RTAP's Retaining and Recruiting Quality Bus Drivers

Metro Magazine's 5 Keys to Attracting, Hiring and Retaining Quality Motorcoach Drivers

TCRP's Vehicle Operator Recruitment, Retention, and Performance in ADA Complementary Paratransit Operations 

Transport Topic's Driver Retention Boosted by Recognition, Opportunity

Virginia Tech's Pre-Employment Screening Best Practices in the Commercial Motor Vehicle Industry



National RTAP GTFS Builder Web Application, Checklist, Getting Started Guide, Overview Webinar, Open Discussion with Local Agencies, and Technical Brief

Bureau of Transportation Statistic's (BTS) GTFS at the U.S. DOT webinar

Volpe Center's GTFS for Estimating Transit Ridership and Supporting Multimodal Performance Measures

Center for Urban Transportation Research (CUTR), University of South Florida's (USF) General Transit Feed Specification Best Practices



National Center for Transit Research's Improving Veteran Mobility in Small Urban and Rural Areas

National Conference of State Legislatures A Mission to Serve: State Activities to Help Military Veterans Access Transportation 

National RTAP's Veterans Highly Rural Transportation Grants Webinar

TCRP's Community Tools to Improve Transportation Options for Veterans, Military Service Members, and Their Families

TCRP's Improving Mobility for Veterans

Veteran's Transportation Program/VHA's Assessing the Benefits of Transportation Services to Veterans: Health Benefits and Cost Savings Provided by the Veterans Transportation Service 

Updated August 2, 2021