
Livability entails the factors that create a community's quality of life, including access to transportation, natural resources, educational opportunities, medical care, employment and leisure activities. 


National RTAP Resources 

National RTAP's Technical Brief, Livable Communities: Tips for Designing Transit Services and Infrastructure that Promote Livability, discusses how transportation services can be adapted to build more livable communities in rural areas. 



FHWA's Livability Initiative

Western Transportation Institute's and Upper Great Plains Transportation Institute's Small Urban and Rural Livability Center (SURLC)



AARP's Livability Index (search filtered by transportation), Roadmap to LivabilityTransportation Workbook, 2018, Home and Community Preferences Survey: A National Survey of Adults Age 18-Plus, 2018, 8 Domains of Livability: An Introduction, 2020, and Rural Livability Workshop Report, 2020.

Baylor University's How Communities Can Prepare for the Growing Aging Population, 2019

FHWA/FTA's Livability in Transportation Guidebook: Planning Approaches that Promote Livability, 2010, and FHWA's Community Impact Assessment: A Quick Reference for Transportation, 2018 and Transportation and Rural Livability, 2020

International City/County Management Association's (ICMA)/Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Putting Smart Growth to Work in Rural Communities, 2010

Mountain Plains Consortium's Developing a Livability Program for Indian Reservations: A Methodology and Case Study, 2015

National Association of Area Agencies on Aging's Making Your Community Livable for All Ages: What's Working, 2015

National Institute for Transportation and Communities' (NITC) Planning in Gateway and Natural Amenity Region Communities: Understanding the Unique Challenges Associated with Transportation, Mobility, and Livability, 2019

New England University Transportation Center's Understanding Perceptions of Transportation for Livable Communities, 2019

Reconnecting America/CTAA/Rockefeller Foundation's Putting Transit to Work in Main Street America: How Smaller Cities and Rural Places are Using Transit and Mobility Investments to Strengthen Their Economies and Communities, 2012

SURLC/NCTR's Transit and Livability: Results from the National Community Livability Survey, 2018

SURTC's Transit and Community Livability Report, 2011

TCRP's Understanding Changes in Demographics, Preferences, and Markets for Public Transportation, 2018

Texas A&M Transportation Institute's National Rural Transit Livability Performance Measures, 2013

Transportation for America's Case Studies on Transit and Livable Communities in Rural and Small Town America

Upper Great Plains Transportation Institute's Exploring Transit’s Contribution to Livability in Rural Communities: Case Study of Valley City, ND, and Dickinson, ND, 2016

Victoria Transport Policy Institute's Community Livability: Helping to Create Attractive, Safe, Cohesive Communities, 2017

DISCLAIMER: The resources provided in each topic guide are not an exhaustive survey of every available resource on each topic. National RTAP does not endorse any of the companies listed, and we recognize that there are other companies doing the same or similar work. If you would like to add a resource to a Topic Guide, please email info@nationalrtap.org.

Updated May 13, 2021