Distracted Driving

Driver distractions can be dangerous for passengers, and also other vehicles on the road. Below are some resources about distracted driving, and training related to reducing the practice.

Automotive Fleet's Understanding and Avoiding Distracted Driving, 2019

Business Fleet's 10 Ways to Minimize Distracted Driving

Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) Distracted Driving resources for motor carrier operators

Center for Urban Transportation Research (CUTR) Curbing Transit Operator Distracted Driving training video

Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Curbing Transit Employee Distracted Driving online course and the video they produced with Florida DOT

Government Fleet's How to Enforce Your Distracted Driving Policy, 2020

Illinois Center for Transportation Distracted Driving: A Literature Review, 2020

The Impact of Cellphones, Texting, Fatigue and Prescribed Medicines on Driver Safety, a New York Public Transit Association (NYPTA) webinar

Kansas RTAP Distracted Driving Can Cause “Inattention Blindness” fact sheet 

Louisiana Transportation Research Center's Distracted Driving: Strategies and State of the Practices, 2019

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration's (NHTSA) Distracted Driving Enforcement Demonstrations: Lessons Learned, 2020

National RTAP's 2 the Point Training Cards and Safety Training in Rural Transit (START) Training Module

National Safety Council (NSC) Distracted Driving resources

OSHA's Distracted Driving Flyer

Pacific Southwest Region University Transportation Center's Distracted Driving is Hazardous Driving, 2021

Smith System's 10 Distracted Driving Statistics and Facts That All Drivers Must Know, 2020

Transit Cooperative Research Program (TCRP) Transit Bus Operator Distraction Policies 

Transportation Research Board's (TRB) Laws and Safety Efforts Can Prevent Distracted Driving, 2021

University of Minnesota's Center for Transportation Studies' Understanding Roadway Safety in American Indian Reservations: Perceptions and Management of Risk by Community, Tribal Governments, and Other Safety Leaders


DISCLAIMER: The resources provided in each topic guide are not an exhaustive survey of every available resource on each topic. If you would like to add a resource to a Topic Guide, please email info@nationalrtap.org.

 Updated May 21, 2021