Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Information

Coronavirus Disease 2019 image


Dear Rural and Tribal Transit Community,

We provide continuing support for the ongoing safety demands and economic ramifications of COVID-19 for rural and Tribal transit programs.  People are looking for ways to resume their businesses and transit is looking for ways to get people there.

We have hope now and see positive change on the horizon as more of our workforce has access to vaccination and more of our community has been immunized. With new resources focused on safety and maintaining our transportation network, we look forward to working with all of you on implementing the new normal and sharing best practices on meeting new challenges.  As always, please contact us if there is anything we can do to assist you.  Keep your eye on our events calendar for opportunities.

Take care and stay safe, 
Robin Phillips

Robin Phillips Signature

Executive Director

FTA COVID-19 Resources

FTA Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) web page - includes information about the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, and FTA resources, press releases, blogs, announcements, and links to other federal resources


National RTAP Resources

Technical Brief - covers what is known about COVID-19 at this time and the basics of planning, prevention and treatment. This brief is updated regularly. Updated on August 2, 2021 with information on DHHS/DOJ Guidance on “Long COVID” as a Disability Under the ADA, SBA's new Paycheck Protection Program Direct Forgiveness Portal, the DHHSreinstatement of the COVID public health emergency, and new FTA flexibility for reports and awards.

Best Practices Spotlight Article - provides best practices and guidance on safety, communications, funding, and more from the perspectives of state, rural and tribal transit managers, and clinical experts. Published on June 5, 2020.

Topic Guide - selected links to FTA, National RTAP, and other national, regional and local COVID-19 resources and planning documents. Updated on August 2, 2021 with the DHHS Public Transportation Workers Toolkit.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) - answers to questions to our Resource Center and at our Peer Roundtables and Panel Discussions. Updated on February 8, 2021 with information about mask wearing mandates, CRRSAA, and updated federal deadlines.

ADA Toolkit Section on COVID-19 - the New Developments section of the ADA Toolkit lists recent developments related to COVID-19 and the Americans with Disabilities Act.  Published on October 27, 2020.

Transit Manager's Toolkit Sections on COVID-19 - New sections are Leading during a Crisis and Lessons Learned from the COVID-19 Pandemic.  Published November 11, 2020. 

COVID-19 Safety Guidance for Frontline Transit Employees - This training was sponsored by NJ Transit, in collaboration with the NJ Council on Special Transportation, and was recorded on September 11, 2020 by Michael Noel of Noel Training & Consulting LLC. It is available through National RTAP eLearning.

Rural Transit Planning in the Time of COVID and Beyond - A webinar delivered on January 14, 2021 by Ken Hosen of KHF Group, which provided guidance on planning efforts that rural and tribal transit agencies can undertake through three phases: 1) During the pandemic, 2) Recovery from the pandemic and 3) Post-pandemic. It also covered transit planning basics and best practices.

Rural Transportation Planning and the COVID-19 Response - This National RTAP/FTA webinar held on May 19, 2021 highlighted how COVID-19 has affected rural and tribal transit providers and the communities they serve, and how the providers have been responding to the pandemic.

Transit Driver Shield Examples - Photos of barriers implemented by rural transit agencies to enable social distancing and safety. Updated March 4, 2021.

Peer Assistance - upcoming technical assistance events and summaries of previous COVID-19 Peer Roundtables and Panel Discussions for State RTAP Managers, Transit Managers, and Tribal Transit Managers


Upcoming Events

National RTAP lists COVID-19 focused events in our Calendar of Events and eNews.  Events that have been cancelled or postponed are also listed in eNews.

Updated August 2, 2021