
Online Dialogues and Forums

Online dialogues are excellent tools for acquiring information and public opinion on a specific topic, and for allowing transit agencies and state personnel to have an active say in the formulation of regulations and best practices. Dialogues and forums are an effective way to network and form partnerships. 


AASHTO’s Multistate Technical Assistance Program (MTAP) hosts a forum every other month for program managers to exchange information and ideas on topics affecting their day-to-day challenges with implementing Section 5310 and 5311 programs

The Canadian Public Transit Discussion Board includes an American Transit Discussion Forum

FTA offers a a Public Transportation Agency Safety Plan (PTASP) Community of Practice. The Community includes at PTASP Technical Assistance Forum and a State Safety Oversight PTASP Forum.

National Aging and Disability Transportation Center provides a forum for senior and disability transportation

National RTAP's State RTAP Managers' Forum is a hub for the exchange of ideas, questions, and documents between RTAP Managers

National RTAP's Rural Transit Manager's Forum is a is a secure, private Facebook group for rural and tribal transit managers to post questions about transit agency management and share ideas and best practices.

Updated December 29, 2020