Newsletters and Blogs
AASHTO News (Daily Transportation Update and Journal)
APTA Legislative Updates provide updates about legislation.
CTAA News - includes news from the CTAA Twitter feed.
Emergency Management
Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Human Environment Digest
Federal Transit Administration (FTA) has news releases with a searchable databases of news articles by year and you can sign up for official news releases.
US Department of Housing and Urban Design (HUD) has transportation news
Mass Transit Magazine
METRO Magazine
National Association of Development Organizations (NADO) has transportation news
NTI - Sign up for their newsletter to be updated with course offerings.
National RTAP eNews—news and new products relevant to rural and Tribal transit operators and state RTAP managers.
Office of Sustainable Housing & Communities Updates
Rural Safety Center has a Safety Sidekick Newsletter
Rural Transportation News provides information on upcoming training and resources in the rural transportation field.
Shared Use Mobility Center Mobility Hub
Smart Growth America News
Transit Intelligence Newsletter
TRB e-Newsletter
US DOT Connections Blog
Citizens for Modern Transit Blog
METRO Magazine Blogs
Smart Growth America Blog
The Transit Wire, a blog about emerging trends in transit technology. This blog also lists other transit agency's blogs.
Updated December 30, 2020