
Technical Assistance

Technical assistance is information related to transit operations and management that is generally provided by state DOTs and programs such as National RTAP and similar organizations. Technical assistance is generally assistance provided for the explanations of rules, regulations and standards. 

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General Transit
Older Adults
Persons with Disabilities
Rural Transportation
State DOT
Tribal Transportation


General Transit

General technical assistance resources.

The AASHTO Multi-State Transit Technical Assistance Program (MTAP) provides a network and assistance to members

Community Transportation Association of America (CTAA) provides technical assistance to transit providers through several programs.

FTA Training & Technical Assistance is available for federal, state and local jurisdictions and public transit providers and operators

National Center for Applied Transit Technology (N-CATT) technical assistance activities include state summits and technologyh strike teams

The National Center for Mobility Management is a national technical assistance center funded through a cooperative agreement with the Federal Transit Administration and operated through a consortium of three national organizations—the American Public Transportation Association, the Community Transportation Association of America, and Easterseals Inc.

The Shared-Use Mobility Center (SUMC) provides guidance to transportation leaders in regions across the US on a variety of project tasks

The Transit Oriented Development (TOD) Technical Assistance Initiative is a project of the Federal Transit Administration administered by Smart Growth America that provides on-the-ground and online technical assistance to support transit-oriented development


Older Adults

These programs provide technical assistance around older adult transportation.

The National Aging and Disability Transportation Center (NADTC) provides technical assistance on paratransit, ADA transportation, and issues relating to transporting older clients.


Persons with Disabilities

The following organizations provide technical assistance for persons with disabilities.

The National Aging and Disability Transportation Center (NADTC) provides technical assistance on paratransit, ADA transportation, and issues relating to transporting older clients.


Rural Transportation

The following programs provide technical assistance for the rural transit sector.

National Rural Transit Assistance Program (National RTAP) provides technical assistance for rural and tribal transit providers. 

CTAA’s Rural Passenger Transportation Technical Assistance Program (RPTTAP) promotes economic development through improved transportation systems in rural areas. 


State DOT

Technical assistance programs for state department of transportation program managers.

AASHTO’s Environmental Technical Assistance Program provides assistance for state DOT personnel about implementing environmental standards. 

AASHTO’s Multi-State Technical Assistance Program (MTAP) is a network of state personnel, the primary purpose of which is to help states implement Federal Transit Administration Programs, provide feedback to FTA on implementation issues and best practices and to create a professional network to share best practices, receive technical assistance, and obtain new ideas from other states. States must become members to access MTAP.

National RTAP provides technical assistance for state program managers either by contacting National RTAP staff, or conversing with other RTAP managers in the State RTAP Managers' Forum.

US DOT offers a variety of a variety of technical assistance and training program that can help States build needed traffic safety data collection, management, and analysis capacity.

Tribal Transportation

The following programs provide technical assistance to tribal transit providers. 

National Rural Transit Assistance Program (National RTAP) provides access to best practices for rural and tribal transit providers. 

CTAA’s Tribal Passenger Transportation Technical Assistance Program (TPTTAP) focuses on helping tribes spur economic growth through improved transportation systems.

Intertribal Transportation Association assists tribal leadership in assessing transportation needs and implementing transportation programs.

Tribal Technical Assistance Program (TTAP) provides resources about  tribal topics. 

Updated December 29, 2020