Technology Tools


National RTAP Web Apps

National RTAP offers the following free web-based tools to transit agencies and state DOT programs:

Cost Allocation Calculator (National RTAP) determines the fully allocated cost for providing service by travel mode, jurisdiction, service type, individual route/service, and sponsored services (if applicable).

GTFS Builder (National RTAP) is a set of spreadsheets and other tools that facilitate the input of bus route and schedule data into Google Maps, allowing customers to access schedules in Google Transit.

ProcurementPRO (National RTAP) allows users to easily find the federal clauses and certifications for their procurement projects. This tool has also been adopted by some states, and in those states, includes the state clauses and certifications as well. Tribes also have the option of creating their own set of rules and regulations.

Website Builder (National RTAP) allows organizations to create their own websites. The free service also includes hosting. 

Additional Technology Tools

AARP has a Livability Index where users can search transportation in every rural area throughout the U.S. Search by city or zip code to find information on transportation options, costs and more.

AASHTO TAMP Builder enables users to search a database of Transit Asset Management Plans by type, mode and certification. AASHTO's Transportation and Environmental Research Ideas (TERI) Database can be used for tracking and sharing new transportation and environmental research ideas. 

APTA publishes interactive Ridership Trends with charts that track demand for public transit and publishing estimates of ridership change in real-time.

The Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS) provides many valuable databases, including: National Transit MapPocket Guide to Transportation mobile appBikeshare and e-Scooters Interactive Map, County Transportation Profiles, and Intercity Bus Atlas.

The Center for Neighborhood Technology's (CNT)  AllTransit highlights public transportation underserved areas and Total Driving Costs measures costs for an average household by area

The Clear Roads Weather Event Reconstruction and Analysis Tool enables transportation agencies to reconstruct winter weather events.

Drive to Zero's Zero-Emission Technology Inventory is an interactive online resource for commercially available offerings of zero-emission vehicles

FEMA's Resilience Analysis and Planning Tool (RAPT) is a free GIS web map that can be used to examine the interplay of census data, infrastructure locations, and hazards, including real-time weather forecasts, historic disasters and projected hazard risk.

FHWA’s Mobile Solution for Assessment and Reporting (MSAR)  app enables State DOTs to report post-disaster data with FHWA via mobile device or tablet.  Their Transportation Performance Management (TPM) Self-Assessment Tool enables agencies to anyomously assess their TPM maturity.

FTA has a Research & Innovation Technology Web Page. FTA's TAM Maturity Agency Self-Assessment Tool helps an agency determine its current state/baseline of asset management maturity.

Google Maps app can be downloaded that notifies passengers when to transfer or get off the bus.

The Mobility Lab offers a number of Transportation Cost Savings Calculators.

NCMM's Map of Volunteer Driver Programs is an interactive map of volunteer driver programs in every state.  They also offer a Technology Typology for mobility management that can be used as a a framework for understanding, comparing, and evaluating the value of the many different types of technology available in the public transportation sector.

NHTSA's Crash Reporting Data System is a sample of police-reported crashes involving all types of vehicles, pedestrians, and cyclists.

Perkins School for the Blind developed BlindWays, a free app that travelers to within a cane’s distance of the bus stop sign using navigational clues. 

The Rural Health Explorer Health Outcomes and Access to Care in Rural America is an interactive map from the American Academy of Family Physicians lets you explore indicators for rural areas such as driving alone to work.

The Shared Use Mobility Center (SUMC) Shared Mobility Benefits Calculator lets users search for cities to see how they've cut greenhouse gas emissions through shared mobility.

Transit is a free app for passengers to plan their trip, including transit, bikeshare and carshare. 

TransitCenter's interactive datasets let you look at regional trends in bus ridership, average fare, vehicle revenue miles and other metrics.

US DOT developed the ARCGIS Geospatial database, which can filter by rural transit agencies and provide detailed maps and data on agency contact info, vehicles, drivers and more. 

US DOT Intelligent Transportation System Datasets provide data on technology data and tools including connected vehicles, sensors and weather.

World Resources Institute Costs and Benefits Appraisal Tool for Transit Buses provides data on costs, emissions, and social benefits associated with bus fleets using different fuel types.


Updated July 29, 2021