
Policies and Procedures

Below are links to collections of policy and procedure templates covering everything from safety and emergency preparedness to compliance, Title VI, and ADA policies. 


CalACT, California's RTAP provider, lists an extensive array of Title VI documents and templates. 

Colorado Association of Transit Agencies (CASTA) posts Non-Discrimination policies.

This Delaware Blank Policy Form is part of National RTAP's Transit Manager's Toolkit.

Indiana RTAP provides policies on Drug and Alcohol and Procurement.

Kansas RTAP, run by Kansas University Transportation Center, lists several policies, including on ridership and dispatch. Scroll to find the Sample Policies section. They also have a searchable database, where you can filter by Sample Policies and Procedures.

Nebraska Public Transit has a Transit Manager Resources page, with policies on drug and alcohol, ADA, and other topics.

New Hampshire RTAP has a Compliance Webpage with policies on ADA, bloodborne pathogens, drug and alcohol, preventive maintenance, procurement and Title VI.

Ohio DOT posts policies, as well as a Policy Model

Oklahoma RTAP posts their Civil Rights and Drug and Alcohol policies

South West Transit Association (SWTA) provides sample policies on many topics.

Utah DOT's Rural Public Transit Team provides sample policies and compliance forms on various topics.

Washington DOT provides sample policies for drug and alcohol, as well as general compliance issues. 

Wisconsin RTAP provides a compliance page with various policy and plan templates.

Updated June 30, 2021