4. Target Markets Worksheet

Ridership Target Markets

For each potential target group, ask yourself:

  • Can your system meet their transportation needs (destinations, hours, reliability)?
  • Does your service offer them a relevant benefit (mobility, convenience, money savings, time savings, independence)?

If the answer to both questions is “yes,” then they are a potential target market for increasing ridership. Which groups are your target markets?

Low-income families
Local retail and other low-wage workers
Local white collar workers
Longer distance commuters
Job seekers
College students
Secondary students (high school and middle school)
Older adults/retirees
Persons with physical disabilities
Persons with cognitive or emotional disabilities
Persons with limited English proficiency
Visitors or tourists
Special event attendees

You can prioritize your target markets by asking yourself:

  • How important is serving this group to the goals and objectives of your organization?
  • How much ridership potential does this group offer in relation to the amount of resources required to market to it?

Non-Rider Target Markets

Ask yourself:

  • What groups make decisions that impact your funding and support within the community?
  • What organizations can be valuable marketing partners in promoting ridership among the target ridership groups you’ve identified?

These are important non-rider target markets and might include:

Decision Makers

Elected Officials
City or County Staff
Transportation Advisory Groups

Marketing Partners/Gatekeepers

Social Service Agencies
Schools or Colleges
Employers or Work Programs
Other Gatekeepers