3. Goals and Objectives Worksheet

Goals and objectives are the why of the marketing plan — the reasons to market your system. Goals are long-term and are not easily measured. Objectives are shorter-term, measurable accomplishments that can lead to realizing a goal. Select the objectives that best describe what you want marketing to accomplish for your system. Modify or create more specific objectives as needed.

Build Awareness

Increase visibility of the system through bolder branding of buses and bus stops.
Make people more aware of your services through greater outreach, public relations and promotion.

Educate Potential Riders and Gatekeepers

Educate gatekeepers for potential rider targets through outreach and staff presentations.
Educate potential riders about transit services and how to ride through transit information displays at high traffic locations within the service area.
Conduct group or individual travel training with potential riders.

Change or Enhance Image

Insure that your transportation services are perceived as public transit, available to all potential riders.
Create a positive, attractive visual image for the system through effective branding.

Enhance User-Friendliness of Services

Make the system easy for new riders to try by providing easy-to-understand passenger information in print, online and through other relevant formats (e.g., multilingual or large format).
Make the transit system easily accessible for occasional, spontaneous or transient riders by providing route and schedule information at the bus stop.
Provide user-friendly fare media that are appropriate for your target markets and make fare media available through channels that are easily accessible.

Increase Ridership

Promote new ridership among populations identified in the target market worksheet through advertising and promotional efforts that include appeals and images relevant to those groups.
Conduct targeted promotional efforts by working through gatekeepers for key target groups to deliver customized passenger information, conduct travel training and provide incentives.

Build Community Support

Position transit as an important community asset through public relations efforts that focus on public transit’s community benefits.
Make civic leaders and decision makers aware of public transit’s community benefits through personal presentations.
Insure that elected officials and other decision makers are well aware of transit’s role, benefits and needs.