Nobody is ever prepared for a disaster.  From fires to hurricanes to blizzards, natural disasters and extreme weather affect every aspect of normal transit operations.  This topic guide provides resources that help transit agencies plan, respond and recover from disasters.


General Information

AASHTO's Managing Catastrophic Transportation Emergencies: A Guide for Transportation Executives

California Rural Indian Health Board's Toolkit: Cross-Jurisdictional Sharing Between Tribes and Counties for Emergency Management

CUTR's The Role of Public Transit during State of Emergency Declarations Due to Natural Disasters

National Transportation Knowledge Network (NTKN) Extreme Event Preparedness & Response for Operations (EEPRO) LibGuide

FEMA's Disaster Financial Management Guide: Guidance for State, Local, Tribal & Territorial Partners

Global Disaster Alert and Coordination System (GDACS) - a cooperation framework between the United Nations, the European Commission and disaster managers worldwide

Mass Transit's Disaster Planning, Preparedness, Response and Recovery

National Library of Medicine's Disaster Apps

National RTAP's Fire and Flood: Disaster Planning and Response Webinar

National RTAP's START Safety Training and Rural Transit

NCHRP's A Guide to Emergency Management at State Transportation Agencies

RHIHub's Rural Emergency Preparedness and Response

TRB's Transportation System Resilience: Preparation, Recovery, and Adaptation

Victoria Transport Policy Institute (VTPI)'s Pandemic-Resilient Community Planning: Practical Ways to Help Communities Prepare for, Respond to, and Recover from Pandemics and Other Economic, Social and Environmental Shocks, 2020

Disaster Planning

California Rural Indian Health Board's Barriers to Collaboration Between Tribal and County Governments: Planning for Major Disasters and Other Emergencies

Capacity-Building Toolkit for including Aging & Disability Networks in Emergency Planning, a collaboration of NACCHO, ASTHO, ASPR, ACL

National RTAP's Disaster Preparedness Peer Call Series

National Rural Health Association's Emergency Preparedness for Rural Communities Policy Paper, 2019

NCHRP's A Guide to Regional Transportation Planning for Disasters, Emergencies, and Significant Events


Disaster Response

Center for the Commercialization of Innovative Transportation Technologies' (CCITT) Decision-Making Tools for Distribution Networks in Disaster Relief

Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) Emergency Operations Center Toolkit, 2021

FTA's Response and Recovery for Declared Emergencies and Disasters and Effective Practices in Bus Transit Safety: Emergency Response

GovTech's Why Social Media Apps Should Be In Your Disaster Kit

Mass Transit's Best Practices: Emergency Response

MSW@USC Master of Social Work program at the University of Southern California's Natural Disaster Response: What Role Can You Play?

National RTAP's Transit's Role in Emergency Response

NCCM's Integrating Emergency Management and Mobility Management, 2020

PHMSA's Emergency Response Guidebook

SURCOM's Crisis Management for Rural and Tribal Transit Providers


Disaster Recovery

FEMA's Community Recovery Management Toolkit

Insitute of Medicine's (IOM) Healthy, Resilient, and Sustainable Communities After Disasters: Strategies, Opportunities, and Planning for Recovery

TCRP's Improving the Resilience of Transit Systems Threatened by Natural Disasters

US DOT's National Transportation Recovery Strategy

US DOT's Recovery Management: Transportation Industry Stakeholders


DISCLAIMER: The resources provided in each topic guide are not an exhaustive survey of every available resource on each topic. If you would like to add a resource to a Topic Guide, please email info@nationalrtap.org.

Updated August 3, 2021