FTA Tribal Transit Program

Transit for the Jamestown S’Kllallam Tribe in Washington State The Federal Transit Administration’s Public Transportation on Indian Reservation Roads program, or Tribal Transit Program (TTP), provides funding to federally recognized tribes for capital, operating, planning, and administrative expenses for public transit projects that meet the growing needs of rural tribal communities. 


Originally established as a discretionary funding program by SAFETEA-LU in 2006, the TTP was revised in 2012 under MAP-21 to include both a discretionary and a formula component. Formula funds were allocated to eligible tribes for the first time in federal FY 2013, in accordance with a formula outlined in MAP-21 and after consultation with Indian tribes.

Current Program

The FAST Act (December 4, 2015) authorizes funding for the Tribal Transit Program for FY 2016-2020. The TTP continues to be a set-aside from the Formula Grants for Rural Areas (Section 5311) program, and now consists of a $30 million formula program and a $5 million competitive grant program, subject to appropriations. A 10% local match is required under the competitive program, however, there is no local match required under the formula program.

For more information about the TTP, including formula funding allocations, discretionary projects awarded, and training materials, visit FTA's Tribal Transit Program page.

On October 1, 2020, a new Tribal Transportation Self-Governance Program (TTSGP) final rule became effective, providing federally recognized Tribes and Tribal organizations with greater control, flexibility, and decision-making authority over federal funds used to carry out tribal transportation programs, functions, services, and activities (PFSAs) in tribal communities. The TTSGP also affords Tribes and Tribal organizations with specific rights and federal resources to implement and support their Self-Governance programs. To learn more, visit the U.S. DOT Tribal Transportation Self-Governance Program page.

FTA Regional Tribal Liaisons

Each FTA Region (except Region 3) has a designated FTA Tribal Liaison. See the bottom of FTA's Tribal Transit Program page, for a list with their names and email links.

Updated October 2, 2020


Photo credit:  Betty Oppenheimer, Jamestown S’Kllallam Tribe; Sequim, WA