Send a Rural Transit Day Hero Card
Click on either of the text links below to download an MS Word Rural Transit Day Hero card. The card will download to the bottom left of your screen. Open the document and click on the silver frame in the middle of the card to insert a photo of your hero. Then edit the Name, Organization, and Date to personalize the card. Print out or email your card to your hero and make their (Rural Transit) Day!
"What does rural transit mean to you?"
"Rural transit means opportunity, mobility, independence and inclusion to those who live and work in remote communities, " Julia Castillo, Executive Director, Heart of Iowa Regional Transit Authority (HIRTA)
"Rural transit means the ability to get out and about in your community to shop, visit friends, and stay socially connected," Rachel Beyerle, Communications Director, Transportation Group, Easterseals, Inc.
"Rural transit means I get to enjoy a scenic route," Juanita Risch, Grants Officer, Idaho Public Transportation
"Rural transit means working together to find creative solutions for mobility. It's really about the community," Robin Phillips, Executive Director, National RTAP
"Rural transit is part of the community, not just moving people," Kari Banta, Program Manager, RTAP and Section 5310, Texas Department of Transportation
"When I think of rural transit I think of big vistas and the ability to connect people and places that seem far apart. On Rural Transit Day, let's focus on connections as we create a culture of health," Lynn Mertz, AARP Public Policy Institute
"It's all about assisting people in making the next connection, reaching desired destinations, building partnerships, it's about communities. We have a true ‘feel good’ job, where we GET to come to work every day and make a difference in people's lives," Panhandle Trails
"Small transit is a beautiful beginning of hope," Cathi Petagno, BOCC St. Lucie County Transit Division
"Rural Transit changes lives!" Jeff Hazen, Executive Director, Sunset Empire Transportation District
"Rural public transportation supports local economies by connecting residents with local businesses and job opportunities and connects vulnerable populations in rural communities with vital health care services, Marcele J. Edington, Program Manager, Michigan Department of Transportation, Office of Passenger Transportation, Transportation Services Section
"Rural transit helps people improve their health and become more successful and self-sufficient," Glen Bahm, Transit Coordinator, Standing Rock Public Transit
"Rural transit is a lifeline for the most vulnerable population in our communities," Pradip Pant, Planning Program Administrator, Statewide Transportation Planning Office, Hawai’i Department of Transportation
"Helping community members get where they need to go!" Megan Templeton, MyRide Upper Cumberland
What does rural transit mean to you? Email us your answer and we may post it on this page. We are also holding two Rural Transit Day Contests where you can win a t-shirt like the one worn by Tim Geibel, Executive Director, Crawford Area Transit Authority (CATA) on our Twitter and Instagram pages by telling us what rural transit means to you and tagging us and #ruraltransitday. The posts with the most likes win! The deadline is July 16, 2020, 9:00 AM ET.
Some tweets, with images personifying rural transit, that we'd like to share:
Florida RTAP
Panhandle Trails
Earl Public Transit
HIRTA Public Transit
Alaska DOT
MyRide Upper Cumberland